Venice's Faerie Page

My name is Venice D. and I want to be an actress when I grow up. I have a dog named Kaya. I also have a gerbil named Hunka-Munca. My birthday is July 11,1988. The things I enjoy are riding my bike, playing with my dog. A game I play on recess is alligator. My favorite ice cream to eat is cookie dough with a sugar cone. My best friends are Liz G. and Mir Dingle Bear Johnson. My favorite colors are blue and green.

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I also like other fantasy animals creatures and other small fantasy beings.

Here are some pictures of other mystic creatures!


This is a water faerie. They are mostly found at ponds or streams. Most faeries have magic.



This was painted by Sir Joseph Paton.  It is called " Oeron and Titaia"

i also like dragons!

here are some names of the dragons that live here:

This dragon is dream chaser

this is fire breath

this is ice crystal


Dew Drop just gave birth to

rose crystal.They are a happy family.Rose Crystal loves to frolic in the meadows.One day Rain Maker,Rose Crystal's dad,took her out to the meadow where they played and played.



               Fly into many new worlds!

            Stormlight's Realm

                                                        City of Shar

                                                      Here be Dragons